Priority Flow Notepad

Sale price$18.00
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Perfect for work, school, projects, and entrepreneurs... we created this 100% post-consumer waste productivity flow notepad to give you space to brainstorm priorities. By utilizing the bottom braindump section, you can put your tasks in order and have a clear direction of how you want to execute your tasks.

To use it: 

1 - Start with a brain dump: Get all the to-dos and events out in one area at the bottom of the notepad. It's important to put this at the bottom because not everything is important!

2 - Highlight: Highlight the MOST important task (something time-sensitive or overdue), followed by the next urgent ones. 

3 - Make a flow: Follow the top of the priority flow and use the arrows to help you sort a flow that will help you stay on track!

Follow-up by time-blocking your tasks in your planner, and you're good to go! 

What's the deal with 100% post-consumer waste? This notepad (paper and backing) is made entirely of discarded waste. There are no virgin fibers (new trees) used in the production of this notepad. It's also incredibly bleed-resistant, especially for Tombow ABT markers! 

→ 52 pages per notepad 

→ 5" x 7"

→ 80lb (120gsm) 100% post-consumer waste paper

Customer Reviews

Based on 76 reviews
Grace M.

Love. Keeps me focused.

Michele (New York, United States)
Instagram: A Happy Mom
My super picky daughter LOVED this gift!

My daughter doesn’t as for much really but when she does it can be nerve racking to find something she truly loves. This hit the mark! it was the only gift idea she had this year for Christmas so I ventured out and couldn’t be more pleased with this decision. Thank you!

Annette A. (Alberta, Canada)

Priority Flow Notepad

Anonymous (Connecticut, United States)
Well made

The paper is amazing but I found the grid to be too small for my bigger handwriting.

Sarah (Colorado, United States)
beautiful little pad

The paper and concept are great but I am sad to reveal that it was not an item I ended up using often.